FLOW Frames, PARKER & Timber Frames, NUC’s, Wax, Swarm Boxes, Brisbane AU

I am a retired beekeeper…downsizing. Being sold as a single unit only to someone looking at expanding their beekeeping.

49 x FLOW HIVE honey frames, still boxed in 7 original unopened boxes,
1 x FLOW HIVE poly tray, suit 10-frame Honey Flow Hive (new, I bought the wrong size),
60 x Timber Frames, new, wired, no foundation,
50 x PARKER plastic Frames, new, no foundation,
25 x CORFLUTE NUC boxes (brand new still in their original packaging),
18 x NUPLAS plastic full size hives (lids and bases to form 2 x triples and 6 doubles),
5 x Swarm Catch Boxes - takes 6 full size langstroth frames, ventilation holes, bird/vermin proof,
12 x Queen Bee plastic excluders (10-frame size),
9 x Timber 10-frame brood boxes unassembled (no lids or bottoms),
7kg x Wax (melted only).

Package is in excess of $7000. Many more photos available. We reside Brisbane Northside. Pickup only. Please PM me.