Greetings from Virginia

We are newbees, just built the hive and awaiting the next phase.
Hoping to meet some neighbors here in Northern Virginia, join a club and take a class.


Welcome to Flow Forums :slight_smile: My name is Laura, i am 14 years old and live in Fairfax. I am a newbee too. One tip is to ask a lot of questions. Many people (including me) would be happy to answer any bee questions you have. Can’t wait to connect sometime :grin:


Welcome to the Flow forum! :blush:

I am not a neighbor (San Diego, CA), but beekeeping only has minor differences in various regions. You are on the right track with looking for a local bee club. They are a golden resource when you are starting out. Read as much as you can, and if you don’t understand something specific, just ask and we will try to help.


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Hi Laura,
Thank you for responding. We just joined he Northern Piedmont Bee Association. There is a meeting in Culpeper on March 15th, hope to meet some bees there .

Hi Dawn,
Thanks for responding. We just joined a local club, and have a meeting in the next few weeks. Looking forward to it.
Thanks again!

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Greetings from Ashland! We just built our hive over the winter and are awaiting our nuc…and researching solar bear fences!

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Might I ask where you got your bees from, and how you introduced them to your hive?
Thank You

Hi folks,
Thanks for responding, May I ask where you got your bees from? We just joined a local club and have our first meeting on March 15th.