Hello Flow Forum from Los Angeles (Glendale, if you’re close enough to know the area). Thanks for posting so much wonderful information on this site. I’ve been lurking for a few weeks and this newbie has learned a lot from your collective wisdom already.
My Flow Hive 2 is assembled, dolled up, and awaiting bees coming this spring. In the meantime, I’m trying to be a sponge.
See you around,
Hello and welcome to the Flow forum!
Glad you found us. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. Meanwhile, if you have a local bee club that is meeting virtually (mine is ~130 miles south of you and it is operating virtually), I would strongly suggest that you join for local knowledge about nectar flow etc. I wouldn’t necessarily say that you have a Flow hive, just say a Langstroth. The brood is managed the same way, it is only the harvest that is different, and we can help you with that part.
Roll on the end of lockdowns! 
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Thanks for the tips! Yes, I’ve signed up for my local Association and am scheduled to attend their virtual Beekeeping 101 classes starting next month. I haven’t studied this much since middle school!
Welcome, Dom! I’m new too, and down here in San Diego. I’m still waiting for my hive to arrive, and that’s no jive!
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