Hello from Colorado

I am new to beekeeping and enjoy learning everyday about beekeeping and watching my bees come and go from my Flow Hive Classic. I am interested in what I can learn from other more experienced beekeepers.
I live in Colorado, so if there are other people with Flow Hive’s in my state please let me know.

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Welcome, Bill :blush: this is a wonderful place to seek advice, feel supported and have some laughs as well. How is your weather in Fort Collins lately? What’s the main nectar source/s?

Weather has been in the 60’s 70’s and 80’s today.
Good nectar flow currently.

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I am in the mountains and already use 10 frame hives. I assume I need a 7 frame classic or a 4 frame hybrid, but don’t see either of these in the store. Do you know if they sell them? Can’t afford the new Flow 2.

Welcome to the Flow forum! For sales enquiries you can always contact info@honeyflow.com if we don’t answer you in the way you need.

The seven frame Flow super is an option in the drop down choices to the right of the photo (where is says Select) here:

They come in pine (araucaria) or cedar. The pine is $499 for the 7 frame super.

The hybrid is only shown in cedar - same drop down option gives a price of $330.70:

Hope that helps, if not @Freebee2 is the guru! :blush:

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I have a 7 frame Classic. I put three coats of paint on it to protect the wood from the snow and rain.


@Dawn_SD you are wonderful.

@Dawn_Moon if you need any product assistance you are welcome to email info@honeyflow.com - we’ll be glad to help :slight_smile: You are correct that you will need 4 or 7 frame sizing for your 10 frame Langstroth hives.

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