Hi FlowHivers!
I’m Marc, I just moved in to Bellingen on the New South Wales mid North coast, Australia.
I have never kept bees before, and just about to receive 2 hives with the view of getting started in September/November
I am looking forward to learning tons, sharing my experience, and most importantly watch these beautiful bees strive and prosper! 
Talk soon!
Welcome aboard the crazy train!
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Welcome Marc. We are up in the mountains near Byron. Even though we can see the Byron lighthouse and the ocean, we are at an evaluation of 340m and I found that our bees produce very different honey to the bees down in the valley nearer population.
Are you in the mountains, in town or near the beaches?
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Thanks you very much!
I live a bit out of town between Glennifer and Bellingen, pretty much on the Never Never, so almost at the foot of the mountain
There is a fair amount of forest, some gardens and agriculture around. It does get quite cool in the winter morning down by the creek, but the bees will be higher up the hill getting the first rays of sun, on a slight slope facing North - East approximately.
I am very curious as to how they will go - my first priority at the moment is to set up good lots of good foraging for them - a veggie garden, lots of flowers and fruit trees, on top of all there is already.
Cant wait to get started - I just read that most of the packages are at the post office! Wootwoot!
How long have you been keeping bees for?
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Wow, your start is near!
We only started end November last year with just one flow hive. Unexpectedly we were able to harvest 32kg of honey so far. Now we have 3 colonies and have the hardware ready for 8.
I have been doing a lot of reading and studying and communicating with beekeepers, so it doesn’t take decades to get a handle on beekeeping. It is certainly true though, the more you learn, the more you think you don’t know anything yet.
We only ever installed nucs.
What is interesting too is that I am now much more keen on learning about trees and other bee plants. Gardens and agriculture around your place is great, you might just have to watch out for people using fungicides and pesticides.
We just have the National Park here and a bird of paradise farm 2km away. That farm uses a lot of bee poison unfortunately, so I try to keep my bees around here.
Good luck with it all.
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