Hello from Carina Brisbane Australia


A friend and I have each just purchased a Flow Hive 2. I have been keeping Australian Native Bees for 20 years (TC’s) and have decided to branch out, given the wife and I eat a lot of honey!

I am in the market for 2 Nuclei one for each hive, and have started putting out feelers for locals who may be able to help.

Good beekeeping to everyone around the world and I look forward to going with the Flow (probably an old pun by now!)


Hiya Jeff, welcome to the forum, happy beekeeping back at ya. :metal:


This adventure is going to be fun!!

Hi Jeff welcome. We are at Coorparoo and also deal with native bees as well as a couple of flow hives.
I highly recommend Jeff at Buderim @JeffH for a quality nuc and great advice. I am also happy to help you with any advice with regard to the flow hive. Lots of great experience on this forum and you can search for any topics as you progress to cover most known issues. Good luck

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Thanks Gary! I might take you up on the offer to have a look - I am putting my hives together on the 17th Nov with my mate, so it nigh tbe great to have a chat and get any tips! Thx Jeff

No worries if you want to come and have look on thw weekend that is fine,we can touch base later.

Hi @Gaz and @JeffW May I ask where you guys are located. I am in Clontarf Brisbane North and looking to get my first flow hive and was wondering if there were others around that could help me get started and source my bees

Hi Terri,I am southside Coorparoo. Happy for you to come have a look at our two hives and get some tips. You will need to get a minimum of 4 frames of bees with a queen to get started. If you look o FB or google you can find nuc suppliers but if you join a local club or go to o e of their meetings you can probably get some bees a lot cheaper as well as a good mentor.
Contact me via email again if you want a few hours of introduction. We can harvest some honey also.
Good luck

Gary Weir

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Hi Terri

I am just at Carina, your are welcome to look at my setup too

It is fun! Join a club, you will find guys there willing to set you up with bees and lots of advice.

Cheers, Jeff

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