This is my first season beekeeping i’m hoping for some advice.
I recently lost a hive to SHB infestation. I have disposed if the infestation and cleaned the hive. The Flow super frames are in the freezer.
I have another hive, an Langstroth hive with 2 brood boxes and a super. This hive is very healthy and both brood boxes are full of bees and all the frames are full of comb. Mimmial SHB and all new traps put in this week.
I have been researching splitting the 2 brood boxes and allowing the non queened one to produce another queen. As per the Australian Beekeeping Manual.
My plan is this.
Prepare a new patch of land and treat the ground with Permethrin.
Place both brood boxes side by side.
Wait a week of so for the new queen to be hatched and mate.
Inspect and wait for hives to be strong enough for the super to be added back to the hive.
Is this a viable method? Can anyone who has done this before provide detailed instructions or advice?
Many thanks