Intro to Beekeeping - San Diego 4/9

Hey everyone,

I will be teaching an Intro to Beekeeping class this Saturday in San Diego! The class is definitely relevant to Flow keepers. You can read more and sign up online:

My name is Neal, I have just purchased a hive for myself and daughter to share the experience of Bee Keeping, she/we are very excited and nervous. Will live in Rancho Bernardo but we plan to keep our hive in Ramona on my old neighbors property. Would like any help/advice/suggestions you could give me. Happy Monday


Hi Neil,

I recommend you come to my Intro to Beekeeping class taking place in North Park on April 28.


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Hi Neal,

Welcome to the Flow forum! I am quite a way south of you in Point Loma.

Do go to Hilary’s class if you can. She manages a lot of hives in San Diego county, and has a “natural beekeeping” theme to her methods. Have said that, she is Flow hive-friendly, and many traditional beekeepers are not. You would do well to learn from her.

I would also suggest that you join the San Diego Beekeeping Society and go to some meetings. They have a Facebook page (as the Russians will tell you :rofl: sorry, bad joke), and a Google Meetup page. The main group meets down in Balboa Park at the beginning of the month, but there is a North County group (slightly smaller) which might be easier for you to get to. The Society is a good source of bees, mentoring, swarm retrieval experience and lots of learning.

Feel free to ask any further questions here, or bug Hilary once you have connected with her. :wink: