Looking for North-East NSW beekeepers

Hello, we live in Murwillumbah (1 hr NW of Byron) we’re getting a flow hive in December and we will be needing a nucleus hive as we have no bees right now. We also would like to meet with local beekeepers to guide us in bee husbandry. Thanks :blush:

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I think the Mullumbimbees might be able to help.


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Thanks! I’ll get in touch :blush:

Hi Looking for Flow hive owners in Nimbin

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I know somebody with one flow hive there, but he’s not on the forum.
You can private message me your phone number, then I can ask him to get into contact if he wants.

Thanks for that - I’m on Facebook (Judy Lancaster, Nimbin) I can’t give out my phone number but my email is judylancaster@hotmail.com.
Thank you again
