Hi all, any flow hive owners near NE Ohio?
I am located in Ohio around Interstate 70 by the WV state line. We just set up our new flow hive. I kept bees 40 years ago, but I am new to the flow hive system. Good luck with your bees!
It seems a lot of guy get back into bee keeping after being out of it about the 40 year mark. Having a Flow Hive you have found the best site on the internet. I have 4 Flow Hives and building up my apiary, about 30 Langstroth’s. Really thinking of a second apiary site about 5 flight miles away.
Anyhow, the only change with a Flow Hive is when you need to extract the honey from the hive and there is a lot of folks here to advise and warn you of the pit falls that are all preventable so you can enjoy the fruits of your bees labor. Welcome back to bee keeping.
I don’t post much on the flow forum, but I visit it almost every day to read posts. I enjoy reading your posts, Dawn and Jeff. There are a great bunch of people on the flow forum and thank you for helping. 40 years ago, before the internet it was really hard to learn about beekeeping. My father and I did not know anyone that kept bees. We went to our local hardware store and bought a hive and sat for many hours in our public library. Again, thank you for all you and the members do.
Bob Griffin
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Hello Bob, I had a commercial bee keeper living a hundred yards from where I lived west of Sydney, he was probably the biggest bee keeper in NSW and he bought all the honey my 250 hives produced. There was definite Winters to about 25F and Summers to 107F so I had to move my hives chasing the honey flows up to 150 miles each way.
Due to health issues I had to find a kinder climate and moved to the sub-tropical Sunshine Coast in Queensland. I retired and got very bored so got a few hives. I got in touch with Jeff, we are both 71 years young and we get along well. He is a real gentleman. He is 13 miles away and a similar climate but my hives are only 2 miles from the ocean so it is a little different also. We have slight differences in our bee keeping but we have mutual respect between us as to how we differ - even though he is not a Flow Hive lover I forgive him!!!
I have been on the site for about 15 months and find it informative and Dawn is an asset to the site as well as Jeff. Jeff has helped me in adjusting my bee keeping to the climate and we regularly chat to compare conditions and notes. I’m building up to 50 hives by next December as I am selling all the honey I can extract.
Cheers Bob,