Best thing to do is join a local beekeeping association and see if they have a beginners course or contact a local experienced beekeeper and ask if he/she will help you. The worst thing that can happen is that your bees die. Doing a course and learning how this super organism works is the best way to avoid this.
Even with the flow hive it’s not simply opening up a tap; you need to do hive inspections to see what is going on, if the queen performs well and there are no deseases. In most places in Europe we also need to treat the bees against the varroa mite. You also need to know about your environment; what are the main honey flows, are there enough foraging possibilities all year round and what kind of agriculture (monocultures?pesticides?neonicotinoids?)
You will get stung… even the most friendly colony gets grumpy every once in while. It helps working with pure bred queens and re-queen your colonies every year.
Your local beekeeping ass will also be able to inform you about wintering the bees in cold temperatures. Hope this helps
I’m in Bluff City and still in research mode. Just wanted to say Hi neighbor…hahaha This system intrigues me. I’d love to know how it works out for you.
Hey, I’m in Jonesborough and really interested to know more about these hives. Have you received yours?
Hello Ratman43. I too am south of Atlanta and I just discovered the Flow Hive. I’m gaining more and more interest in beekeeping. Have you received your Flow Hive? If so, did you start your hive this past summer? Just curious as to how things are going.
Is that Jonesboro, GA?
Hello Everyone!!!
I am glad to see a large number of active people working on such a positive change which is and will make a huge difference.
Let me introduce, I am Co-Gardner at where our whole family since ages is commited to farming and serving the humans around us by providing all natural/organic products.
Honey was produced naturally in our area, as this video indicates we have similar honey from swarm and my father/ other elders still take directly from harvest however now after seeing FlowHive we decided to go for it, which is a big achievement but as it was a big amount for us so we kept saving money till now. Anyways the first flow hive to arrive soon. And we are preparing for its celebrations.
I have contacted locals and other people in bee keeping but in our whole country it seems first such hive before are all old hives. And people don’t trust/rely much on them.
So I would like request people here to guide our first Swarm to Harvest and tell us about taking precautions and other things as I like the above video and I am going to go the same way but still I am not sure swarm bee will like and live there.
Here it is summer these days and we 4 seasons a year. Normally old hive people are the one so called movers in summer they move to cooler places and in winter they move to warmer places within the country but for us its not possible like wise. And as per idea it seems bee can be kept in one place. Kindly guide general requirement to keep.
Also would like to request give the suggestions which I am unable to ask.
Looking forward for your kind response and stay blessed. Our family is thankful to you all people who are making this all success.
Asalam o aliakum
Stay blessed