New member from Mundaring WA

Hi Iam a new member, retired and needed an interest, I have 2 flow hives that I have just acquired and plenty of questions to come. So Hi from me Bill.


Welcome @William_Anderson, Bill,

There are a number of beekeepers in the hills districts, I’m down between Armadale and Bedfordale on the western side of the scarp.

Both @skeggley and @Numbatino are up near you, if you have any questions just ask, there are a thousand people that use the forum and 3 thousand opinions… :slight_smile:


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Welcome Bill, enjoy your stay and ask away! :slight_smile:

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G’day Billy.

I am exactly like you, two new flow hives this season and only down the road from you. I suggest reading some books as they will help. I borrowed a few from Mundaring Library myself on beekeeping. I also bought The Australian Beekeeping Manual as reference when I get lost on something.

I found this forum incredibly helpful. To be honest, I would be lost without the help I got from these fine people.