Hi all, I am a new beekeeper with a new flow hive 2. I just finished painting the roof and oiling the outside of the brood box and I’m ready to go. Looking forward to getting started.
Does anybody know of someone on the Sunny Coast that sells bees? I would love to purchase a nuc.
Welcome, I hope you enjoy reading the forum posts as much as I do. I am new also and have learnt so much from everyone here.
From Linda
Raglan Victoria
Hi Jeff
Thank you for the warm welcome.
You’re not too far from me… I’m in Dulong.
Definitely interested in your Nuc’s. Please let me know how I can get in touch.
Hi Linda
Thanks for the newbie welcome. Ah yes! I spent a few hours reading some of the posts, as you say they’ve been so informative and very helpful. We are in great company. I’m grateful.
Enjoy your beekeeping journey