Information on beekeeping in Ohio, USA
Beekeeper Associations
Ohio State Beekeepers Association
Central Ohio Beekeepers
Northwest Ohio Beekeeping Association
Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association
Athens County Area Beekeepers Association
South Western Ohio Beekeepers Association
East Central Ohio Beekeepers Association
Medina County Beekeepers Association
West Central Ohio Beekeepers Association
Lorain County Beekeepers Association
Ashtabula County Beekeepers Association
Contact: W. Earl Vautin
Address: 2287 SR 7 N, Pierpont, OH 44082
Phone: 440 577-9638
Butler County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Alex Zomchek
Address: 14 Carrie Circle, Oxford, OH 45056
Phone: 513 524-9663
Cambridge-Nobel Beekeepers Association
Contact: Roy Roger Seaton
Address: 9488 Liberty Rd, Cambridge, OH 43725-9023
Phone: 740 432-6612
Carroll County Beekeepers
Contact: Diane Friedman
Address: 8091 Swift Rd NW, Waynesburg, OH 44688
Phone: 330 866-4515
Clark County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Andy Anderson
Address: 1312 N. Lowry Ave., Springfield, OH 45504
Phone: 937 399-7031
Columbiana & Mahoning County Beekeepers
Contact: Heidi Schmidbauer
Address: 870 Center Road East Liverpool, OH 43920
Phone: 330 386-7763
Cuyahoga County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Gerald Benedick
Address: 4150 Cherokee Trail, Brunswick, OH 44212
Phone: 330 273-9974
Geauga County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Eleanor Spirka
Address: 9093 Morgan Rd, Montville, OH 44064
Phone: 440 968-3371
Greene County Beekeepers Association
Address: Beavercreek, OH 45432
Phone: 937 426-0694
Guernsey/Noble Beekeepers Association
Contact: Darrell Hopps
Address: 10120 Cherry St, Senecaville, OH 43780
Phone: 740 685-6823
Highland County Beekeepers
Contact: Jim Higgins
Address: 3801 US 50, Hillsboro, OH 45133
Phone: 937 364-2331
Hocking County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Annette McClain
Address: 20193 SR 328, New Plymouth, OH 45654
Phone: 740 385-5305
Jefferson County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Joe Kovaleski
Address: 167 Rosslyn Blvd., Steubenville, OH 43952
Phone: 740 264-7656
Kokosing Valley/Knox County Beekeepers
Contact: Sharon Tuggle
Address: 382 Dana Ave, Columbus, OH 43223
Phone: 614 276-1728
Lake County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Mark Rinderman
Address: 116 Hawthorne Dr, Painesville, OH 44077
Lawrence County Beekeepers
Contact: Margaret Reid
Address: 15754 SR 775, Willow Wood, OH 45696
Phone: 740 643-2925
Beekeeping supplies:
Bee Events
Stratford Ecological Center for a celebration of Honey Bees and pollinators!
Beekeeper Associations
Maumee Valley Beekeepers Association
Contact: Ronald Rudloph
Address: 2671 Cheltenham Rd, Toledo, OH 43606
Phone: 419 475-2446
Miami County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Tony Rimkus
Address: 4610 S State Rte 201, Tipp City, OH 45371
Phone: 937 667-1420
Miami Valley Beekeepers Association
Contact: John Rowley
Address: 8175 S. Palmer Rd., New Carlisle, OH 45344
Phone: 937 845-0703
Morrow County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Brian Jacobson
Address: Gilead OH 4338, Mansfield, OH 44904
Phone: 419-768-2506
The Morrow County Beekeepers meet on the second tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm Please call for more details.
Northcoast Beekeepers Club
Contact: Martha Frank
Address: 13134 Carter Rd, Painesville, OH 44077-9170
Phone: 440 254-4016
NW Ohio Beekeepers Association
Contact: Tim Arheit
Address: 330 Sunderland Rd, Delphos, OH 45833
Phone: 419-371-1742
Portage County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Peggy Kaminski
Address: 1459 E Howe Rd, Kent, OH 44240
Phone: 330 673-0664
Page Top
Richland County Beekeepers Association
Contact: H. L. (Sonny) Barker
Address: 789 SR 181, Crestline, OH 44657
Phone: 419-683-1478
Sandusky Valley Beekeepers Association
Contact: Ken Lynch
Address: 1958 CR 264, Clyde, OH 43410
Phone: 419-547-0412
Stark County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Jeff Dicken
Address: 14945 Liberty Church Rd, Minerva, OH 44657
Phone: 330 868-3692
Summit County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Mary Sobczak
Address: 4967 Akron Cleveland Rd, Peninsula, OH 44264
Phone: 330 653-5189
Trumbull County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Alan Eggleston
Address: 3524 Ravenna Warren Rd, Newton Falls, OH 44444
Phone: 330 502-8314
Tuscarawas County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Jerry Roth
Address: 2235 Mudd Run Rd SE, New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Phone: 740 922-2718
Urban Beekeepers of Central Ohio
Contact: Cheryl Baughman, President
Or visit then on Facebook.
Warren County Beekeepers Association
Contact: Steve Giraud
Address: Lebanon OH 45036
Phone: 513 503-1044
We have changed our meetings to the Second Sunday of the month at 2:00. Exceptions posted on website. We have 40 to 50 bee talking folks at most meetings, many new, and some old. Mostly we try to help educate and share info! We have a 3 session beginner course every winter, always looking for new members.
The Ohio State Beekeepers Association is holding its annual Fall Conference
2015 OSBA Fall Conference
October 31
OSBA – Annual Fall Conference
October 31st, 2015 – Plain City, Ohio
Tolles Career Center – 7877 US Highway 42 S – Plain City OH 43064
The Ohio State Beekeepers Association is holding its annual Fall Conference at Tolles Career & Technical Center in Plain City, Ohio. Based on past attendance, and the central Ohio location, we anticipate attendance of over 300 beekeepers. Our powerhouse line-up of guest speakers include: Dr. Tom Seeley, Kent Williams, Alex Zomchek , Dr. Reed Johnson and others.
Tolles Career & Technical Center is our continuing meeting location for our Fall Conference. This location is easily accessible, and offers easy access parking, large classrooms, large room for lunch and a huge hall for vendors. This facility enhances the conference experience for participants and vendors and will provide a location where we can continue to grow.
We are also excited to include honey judging this year at the OSBA Fall Meeting. Enter your honey and win bragging rights for your honey!
Based on past attendance, and central we expect over 300 beekeepers. Several vendors will also be there with a variety of bee supplies for sale. (Attending vendors will be listed online as they confirm their reservation).
Check out our Preliminary Program Guide
Registration Fees
$25 – OSBA Member Pre-Registered
$35 – OSBA Member at the door. (Cash, Check or Credit card accepted at the door)
$35 – Non Member
$10 – OSBA Guest (Spouse of children under 18 with paid OSBA Member)
Online registration is open until October 23th
(Credit Card or Paypal accepted online. Credit cards will be accepted the day of the event.)
Mail registration must be postmarked by October 21st
See the Registration Packet for the conference schedule,
mail in form and more details!
Vendors include: Bee Culture, Blue Sky Bee Supply, Brushy Mountain Bee Farm, Dadant, Huron Bee Supply, Mann Lake, Kelley Bees, Simpson’s Bee Supply, Wicwas Press, and others!
The TCBA annual Spring Beekeeping Workshop
The TCBA annual Spring Beekeeping Workshop With educational classes all day including ones for beginner, intermediate and the experienced beekeeper. We also have a hands on room. Please join us March 4-5 2016. Planning starts Soon! There will be no kids’ class this year
38th Annual Spring Beekeepers Workshop Info Packet
Speakers for the 2016 Workshop
Dan O’Hanlon
Jennifer Tsuruda Phd
Ralph (Buddy) C. May Jr.
Dr. Reed Johnson
Donald Downs
Doug Sponsler
Charles Walter
Earl Hoffman
Chef Paul Suttle
If you plan to attend the “Introduction to Beekeeping” class you may find it benefitial to read “First Lessons in Beekeeping” by Keith S Delaplane. (There will be copies at the workshop for sale).
38th Annual Spring Beekeepers Workshop Info Packet
Ohio State Fair Competitions Sponsored by OSBA
The deadline for entering the Ohio State Fair Competition with your honey, bake goods, photography and other projects is quickly approaching. You do not need to have your entry (honey, bake goods) ready now, but you must complete the entry form by June 20th. Winnie Williams was kind enough to type out the instructions below on how to enter:
Ohio State Fair Competitions Sponsored by OSBA – How to Enter
To find the information to for the Honey Competition and the Photography Competition at the Ohio State Fair, please follow the directions below. The deadline for entering is June 20, 2016. Online registration is the only way to register. It costs $10.00 plus $1.00 per class entered, thus a minimum of $11.00. Enter as many classes as you can to ensure you don’t get docked points for being in the incorrect class.
For Photography and BBQ Sauce see the lower section for directions.
For Baked Goods and Honey Competition:
Find the Competitions on the top line
Choose Arts from the drop down
Choose Creative Arts
Choose Cooking & Baking
On the Left side of the page (picture of a cake with raspberries) choose: Information Packet (IP)
Read and print for your information pages 0,1,2,3,9,10
The Honey and Bee items are in Division 3105, pages 9 and 10
Read the Arts policies and procedures
Enter and pay online can be reached from the bottom of the page or back on the front page of Cooking and Baking.
Recipe form for Baked/Canned items is required to be completed and accompany those items.
For Photography Competition:
Competitions on the top line
Arts from the drop down
Creative Arts from the next drop down
Arts, Craft & Fashion from the final drop down
Information Packet
Read The Arts Policies and Procedures
Print pages 0, 1, 2, 3, 12, and 13 of the book. Division 4209 is the Ohio State Beekeepers Association Photography Division. Class 4 is Adult Honey Bee; Class 10 is Youth Honey Bee. These class numbers are needed for the online registration. $10 to register, $1.00 per class entered.
Enter and pay online can be reached from the bottom of the page or on the front page of Arts, Craft & Fashion.
Deadline for entering is June 20, 2016.
For Barbecue Sauce Competition:
Find the Competitions on the top line
Choose Arts from the drop down
Choose Creative Arts
Choose Cooking & Baking
On the Left side of the page (picture of a cake with raspberries) choose: Information Packet (IP)
Read and print your information from pages 0, 1, 2, 3, 25
Division 3305 Sauces, Class 5 Honey BBQ Sauce
Read the Arts policies and procedures
Enter and pay online can be reached from the bottom of the page or back on the front page of Cooking and Baking
Recipe form for Baked/Canned items is required to be completed and accompany those items.