Presentation new member

Hi, it’s Doni,
Im excited to join this forum, attracted by the praise surrounding this commnity. Today I’m taking a moment to introduce myself and participate in this experience. I look forward to chatting with you enthusiasts.
Thank yu !


Bonjour Doni!

Bienvenue sur le forum Flow! Où êtes-vous en France? Nous habitons en Californie (Etats-Unis), mais nous visitons la Côte d’Azur plusieurs fois par an. Nous adorons le miel de lavande française – a notre avis les meilleurs du monde.

N’hésitez pas à demander si vous avez des questions sur l’apiculture/la ruche Flow et nous essaierons de vous aider.

I apologize for my poor French, but you are very welcome on this forum, and we will all try to help if and when you need it!

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Dawn, je pense que ton Francais est parfait. :slight_smile:

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Cher Jeff, merci pour ton gentil commentaire, mais je pense que nous avons peut-être été arnaqués par un robot sophistiqué voulant vendre des traitements contre les termites… J’attends de voir!


Hi Dawn, I understood the robot bit, which might explain why the author of this thread is no longer active. I’ll have to google translate the rest.

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I think that there may be a follow up bot sniffing reponses about French honey - another post from today. I am sure that @Freebee2 and team will be onto this if needed…


This thread wont last long, so may I say “Dawn, je t’aime”.

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Je t’aime aussi, et Wilma!

Grosses bises!


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Dawn, je suis devenu tout rouge.

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I had to go & put a bucket of honey up to strain. I got my truck back 2 afternoons ago, however I haven’t been to my bees yet. I had a full day planned for yesterday of crushing sugar cane. Then this morning I woke up to a shower of rain. I’m going to pick up my broken motor this afternoon. The head, injectors & injector pump should be ok to keep, just in case I need them in the future. Not to mention other parts in the block…

I still have knee bursitis to worry about. I believe the best cure is to rest it. With a lot of catching up to do with my bees, regardless of what I find, I can’t see me resting my knee for a while.

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