I need to replace the white bottom boards for our 2 hives and want to know where anyone has ordered from in the US that fits our Flow Hives? I have checked many major beekeeping supply websites and the corrugated replacement board sizes are all over the place, if they even give dimensions. I have greased both sides with Crisco to trap mites and they are now beyond cleaning. I would appreciate any advice on where to buy. Thank you!
You could use something like this from Home Depot (Store SKU #904705) - just cut to the size of the corflute slider in the Flow Hive.
As Tim says, I just cut my own. You can buy the coreflute sheets in Staples or Art supply stores too - they are used for making signs, especially those Real Estate Open House signs, so they are widely available across the US.
I cut mine with an art knife and a metal straight edge, but you could probably do it with scissors if you have a steady hand.
Also, wait for your local area’s next election… Take LOTS of signs… You’ll never need corflute again.
Hi! Just wondering if someone knows the measurements of the corflute please? I don’t want to slide the corflute out of the hives due to cold weather here and need to cut some new ones. Thanks!
I get approx. 308.5mm wide X 475mm long. That was the original cedar Flow hive corflute.
Thanks Dan! My hives are 10 frame brood boxes. I should have specified this when I asked my question. I will get my tape measure out and check it against my super. Thanks again!
Hello out there! Does anyone happen to have the measurements for the corflute for a 7 frame flow hive please? Thanks!