Score! (I think)

A local 1yr beek lost his bees over winter AND is moving to a place where beekeeping is not allowed by his homeowner’s association so he posted on our group’s FB page hoping to unload his gear.

I scooped this all up for $150US.

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Rub it in:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I wouldn’t have paid more than $130, saw you coming. Ha Ha

Wow, pristine stuff. That looks like a major score to me - even better than Costco!!! :smile:

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Lucky you :four_leaf_clover:

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I only have 1 nuc ordered so this stuff may just sit empty. Maybe I can do a split this year.

Or catch a swarm, or score a swarm from your local beekeeping club… :smile:

That is a great deal. Oddly enough people try to charge an mint for used equipment here. I don’t know how many times I have told someone on Craigslist that I could get a brand new setup like they have advertised with shipping for within 10% of what they are asking.

Some things are weird. Poly pipe is a classic here. Go to a clearing sale (something like a closing down sale/auction for a farm) and if there is a roll of 25mm or 40mm poly the bidding is insane and sometime goes for more than brand new at shop.

Well, I knuckled under and ordered an additional nucleus hive rather than try to catch a swarm or do a split later in the year.
I was able to order from the supplier I ordered the nuc meant for my Flow Hive so I pick up TWO nucs next Saturday!

I know I am quite fortunate I was able to do so on such short notice. Let’s hope my lucky streak holds!

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Got everything crossed for you! :smile: