Slow build up of colony?

Thank you Webclan, lots to digest there.

I’m east of Perth, Mundaring. More native bush, less urban gardens.

How do I know whether flowers have nectar? I was wrongly assuming that if there are flowers, they are feeding the bees.

I do see activity at the entrance, I say it is pretty average, with bees leaving and landing regularly, but not very heavy traffic.

I will try to take photos of frames next time I open it up as I’m not sure yet how much pollen and honey is enough.

I cannot give them a frame of brood because that’s the only hive I have, and I’m getting a second nuc this weekend. I was however thinking of feeding them syrup but the guy I bought the nuc from said I don’t have to.

Oh, and I think I did my first rookie mistake - I didn’t put the corflute in the base, so the hive may have been a bit drafty. It is windy here. I now placed it in the upper slot.