Hi all,
I’m still new to bee keeping and need advice on a situation.
I purchased the Classic Flow Hive two years ago, gave it a lick of paint before populating it with a health brood of bees.
Unfortunately, I was a bit naïve with how much paint I needed to protect it from the harsh tropical sun, and monsoonal conditions in the Top end of Australia!
I’m so in love with Bee keeping that I’m about to order a new Western Cedar Flow Hive 2 so I can keep two hives.
So my questions are:
- Can I move my entire colony into the new hive when it arrives? Then I can re-seal and paint my Flow Hive Classic before attempting my first split? (and hopefully get many more years out of it)
- What is the best protection I can use for my brand new Western Cedar Flow Hive to ensure that I don’t make the same mistake again? Ideally I would like to keep the natural timber finish.
I don’t think that my Classic Flow Hive is beyond repair, its not warped or damaged, however it probably wont survive another wet season.