Two flow supers stacked, now I got a big gap in the back

Hi all,

I’m trying to use two flow supers on top of each other but the box has a substantial gap in the back.

Is something missing or broken, or shall I try and switch the boxes around and see what happens, not to keen on shuffling all the frames around, but if you guys reckon that’s worth a shot …

Or is it just normal as, in design wise it’s not intended to have two flow supers on top of each other.

So ähm who’s got some useful 2 cent’s for me.


Welcome to the forum.
Flow supers are stackable just like traditional supers and I’ve stacked mine in the past with no problems.

Not sure if it’s an optical illusion from the camera angle, but the aluminium bar at the base of the top box looks warped upward in the middle allowing the bees access. It should be flat and level with the top of the bottom super. Straighten that up and should be right to go.
