Up and Buzzing for the first time

Hello Everyone… I was an original supporter of the Flow Hive and due to Moving from NJ to Al have just now been able to install my first package of “girls” and I am so excited. My local club has been very supportive and I have met another Flow Hiver that lives close to me which is a bonus. Here is my set up and my first check in on the new family and I am proud to say All is well in my hive…



Nice work! I see you’re another paint stir stick rigger :sweat_smile:
That’s what I use to reduce my entrance too - three of them, stacked & wedged in.

Keep us posted on your progress! I’m starting over with two nucs this year after my solo colony from a package died this winter. My Bee Day is 4/29 & I can hardly wait!!


Looks awesome. I am a new beekeeper also. Just put my bees last week. Can I ask what the smaller box is on top of the brood box? Is it a 2nd brood box? Thank you, Linda

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It is a top feeder. The standard ones fit our brood boxes. ~~Lori Peters ~~

Day 17 check up!!! So Happy to say that my QUEEN is working hard. Eggs, Larve and Capped Brood!! Pollen sacks on the legs are full and they ARE NOT taking any more supplemental feeding… I am one Happy NEWBEE!! :blush: :heart_eyes:


Hi Ya’ll. I can say that because I now reside in North Carolina. I’m getting my first Nuc this Saturday 4/22. Just completed the finishing touches on my new Flow Clasic, let the Buzzing begin…


Hi @AquaFloraFarms where are you located? I am near Greensboro and recently started up my hive. If you go to the local section in NC we can keep that up with our NC experiences and hopefully learn from everyone!

Hey, I’m in Davie County. Just in case you don’t know, There’s probably a Beekeepers Assc. in every county that meets once a month. If you search your county name with Beekeepers Association you should find one. I’ve been going to them for a few months, good to meet seasoned beekeepers. Excited to get my bees, thanks for the response.