Hi Not sure if you got my last message.
Do you know yet when and if you will be bring Flow Hove to the UK??
Ray Gorman
Orders for the flow Hive are only made through this site. I’m in the UK and I ordered my Flow Frames and Hives through the initial campaign with Indigogo and have my hives already.
If you want to order Flow Hives or Frames you need to go here http://www.honeyflow.com/shop/p/94
Mine were ordered as well with the original Indigogo, i’ve received everything except my flow frames. Did your ship separately from the rest of your hive?
Everyone is getting the flow frames in one shipment and the hive components in another. The fraes ship from Aussieland, the hives come from Oregon in the US.
I received my actual hive in early December (I live in California, next door to Oregon) but didn’t get my one set of frames until early January. i am waiting on my second set of frames still, which makes sense as they were added later.
I discovered I needed a replacement part for one of my hive pieces. I sent an email to info@honeyflow.com with my email, the order number ad a few photos attached showing the damage to one of the finger joints. They had a replacement to me in around a week.
Hi Again,
yes I have placed the order etc and have just gote the confirmation,it is saying that it should be April 16.£ months,yes ok but why is it 3 months and not sooner?
Thank you
Ray Gorman
Hi Ray,
You may not know the history. Flow is actually a very young startup company. The founders (Stu and Cedar, father and son) have been developing the Flow frame concept for several years, testing it out in their own hives.
In early 2015, they launched a crowd-funding campaign on the Indiegogo web site, hoping to raise $70,000 to get the system into production. By the time the campaign closed, they had actually raised over $12 million. However, they had no infrastructure at that point, because they only started to raise the capital with the crowdfunding source. You can imagine that going from no business to filling $12 million worth of orders is going to take a lot of setup work. Meanwhile they have continued to improve the design, and deal with logistics issues. Considering that they ship all over the world (with the exception of 5 countries), and they are less than a year from starting that campaign, they are doing pretty well.
I am lucky enough to own a Tesla Model S car. When I ordered it, the waiting time for delivery was 4 months. Of course a car is a little more complex than a bee hive but then Tesla is a much more established company than Flow. Their waiting time is still more than 3 months, and over a year for some of the new Model X owners.
My point is, that anything radically new from a startup company is going to take much more time to deliver than cranking the handle on an old idea from an established company. Hope that sheds a little light.
Wow !!!
You could but a decent house around here for that price.
Mind you my neighbour has just spent nearly two houses on a new tractor
I don’t have the right accent to have a cottage in Wales though… My home counties schooling has ruined my chances of getting Fire insurance on it.
I have survived with my RP unscorched
We will see when and how long it takes to get here,etc.
Thank you.
Ray Gorman
Hi Dawn,
Thank you for the explenation,yes I do realize that as we had our own company about 15 years ago for 25 years ( unfortunatly went bankrupt) so I do no exactly now what you are saying had to get a job working for someone and now live in a semi-detached signal flour rented place now (not quite the same as owning your own hows???
Any way really looking forward to it arriving here so I can show the Bee club it and hopefully get you some costumers??
Talk soon.
All the best for the future.
Ray and Mary
Get the Flow team some more customers? I don’t work for Flow…
All the best to you too!
Sorry I just presumed you did.So do you live in the town,country or were?
Suburban San Diego, California, USA.
Hi agin,wow one of my old boss’s lives there on the cost by the river or what ever it is called out there ha ha .
That is a bit scary actually we had a holiday there one year.Again long time ago.
So anyway I presume that you have nown company along time?
I heard about Flow last year - when they launched their crowd-funding campaign.
I joined the campaign a few days in last year. Ordered the full hive set up. I’ve been watching progress as the project has got up to speed. Today I received the full hive and frames. The quality packing is excellent.
All good to go this spring now…
Hi again did you get my last email through this site if not what am I doing wrong??
Hi just been reading all the complaints?there all ways seem to be people who will not give a new company time to stall down and let these company,s get there act into place???
When I started my company (a very long time ago,now retired.1989???)any way it was a lot different than today only just getting the internet in play. Infarct we were the first company in our area to have the internet.Sorry I digress,people really need to let them have a good try before they start running them down.PS have you watched the videos on youtube by Flow bos it is really good and explains everything to every one if they would bother to watch and listen to it.I presume you have got all your orders sorted now?
Have a good one and all the best Ray UK