Where to get nuc boxes?

Awesome stuff in this thread!
I made nucs from the same plans at beesource.com that @Anon brought up earlier.

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Bees like a rugby ball shaped nest which they can easily achieve in a double decker nuc.

This seems to be true- my double decker nuc hive is really thriving! I read also that bees can draw out comb faster in a 5 frame box- and having a higher wall to comb ratio equals straighter better combs.

The one downside is more box moving for inspections. Currently I am testing whether 2 nuc boxes and 3 flow frames will make a good long term colony. I think in our climate it will work as many beeks run single 10 frame broods here- and donā€™t see a need for a second brood box. My only concern is that just 3 flow frames wonā€™t provide enough super space- I could always add another 3 frames for a four story hiveā€¦

You can always put a regular super on

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Thatā€™s true- I have more regular 5 frame boxes- I might even do that. I am using a cut down queen excluder. I put the three flow frame super on about 4 weeks ago- itā€™s half full already.

Well I just made the brocoli box type @RBK linked. Works a treat, i used nails as a hinge pine for the entrance and another to lock it when in closed off. Mine is able to hold 10 frames (bigger box?) perfect for what I want.

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