Where are the flow hives?

I see you are using the ultimate hive stand. Can you post a picture of the entrances so I can see how the stand works with landing pad? Did it fit or did you have to modify it?

I will post a picture of it on tuesday. I did not have to do any modification at all. The landing pad just slightly protrudes and the Flow bottom board fit perfectly.

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It is great to see more supporters getting their frames. I know everyone is anxious, but please note Cedar and Stu have actually committed a significant amount of time, energy, efforts, and massive extra costs towards expediting everyone’s order as fast as possible. The clear direction is for us to do our absolute best for everyone to have frames as close to this Northern Hemisphere spring honey flow as possible. It would blow your mind to see what is going on behind the scenes. Lots of sleepless nights, (I know this first hand) and significant extra costs all focused on doing our best to get everyone ready for the honey flow as quick as possible.

A sizeable amount of shipments are going out to Euro customers today!

In the next few days or so Canada customers will start seeing a large batch of tracking numbers.

Shortly thereafter a large batch of Frames will be dispatching out to USA and Australian customers. With a large focus on North American customers.

Lots of Frame shipments going out over the next few weeks, so you can rest assured that the wheels are in motion and tracking numbers will be coming as soon as the shipments are leaving the local shipping points. It is everyone’s absolute goal to get the backorders cleared and Flow hives and Frames in everyone’s hands as fast as possible.

We are anxious to start fulfilling new customer orders from our website as soon as possible with stocking quantities in each region!


Hi Martin, I spoke with 2 happy Flow customers today. One bloke has two normal hives with 4 Flow frames in each hive. He is only harvesting the Flow honey & has harvested over 50 kilos of honey so far. A quiet achiever.

Another bloke received his Flow hive & has so far assembled the boxes, he’s thrilled at how well it all went together. Another quiet achiever:)


Thanks for the update Martin :slight_smile: It’s good to hear it first hand what’s going on behind the scenes :bee:

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How wonderful. That is a good whole year crop per hive for me.
Last year was an absolute wash out with the weather and I got less than that from four!

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Hi Dee, that was out of his Flow frames, he hasn’t touched his traditional frames, I assume they’re all full. Someone told me about him the other week, yesterday he was here to pick up some foundation from me. He told me he started off with a colony early spring, let it build up, split it, now he has 2 hives producing honey.


Hello @cfd2474 I’m luving your stands, please tell were you got them, Great look also! :slight_smile:

Thank you @cfd2474 will be ordering 2 for mine. Its is the 8 frame one for the Flow hive right?

Yes, those are the 8 frame

The landing pad actually fits flush with the end of the stand.


really nice workmanship😃

Sorry I hadn’t responded! I haven’t been back on the forum. I did receive my flow frames and have also received my second Flow Hive:) Now I’m just waiting for my second hives flow frames. I also ordered another set of flow frames to modify two of my current hives. I’m really excited to get my Flow hives full of bees and working!! Thanks!

No problem :slight_smile: Glad to hear all the parts are coming together. Let us know how you go (I’m sure you will anyway :wink: )

What about my frustration Cedar when I messaged you about the poor quality of my two hives and the bashing I got from one of your moderators? I did not get a response from you, which said a lot.

The truth is that even though the moderators say its a small percentage of folks who have quality issues (which is not that case) it IS an huge issue that needs to be addressed. I could’ve gotten replacement parts, but when you’ve waited patiently for a long period of time and you take the time to retrofit the many errors, its all said and done at that point.

I look at those two flow hives sitting in my living room and feel sad.