When is santa sending the presents?

This is an old topic but I bought mine ( 3 x flowhive systems) on Mar 6th and have just received an automated reply after sending 2 emails in relation to shipping dates.
Lots of info but no shipping date.
The email said to get prepared getting the hives set up. Well anyone would’ve done that already.
I set mine up 2 months ago after purchasing 3 hive kits locally. After assembling and painting have 3 brood boxes bursting at the seams with bees and 3 supers prepared for the systems to be installed.

I can’t be putting frames into my supers as the cutouts have been made in preparation.

Could you not just put ordinary supers on?
You are going to need them for winter stores anyway and the flow frames would go on top for your own honey when they arrive.


You could put normal supers/brood boxes on and add the flows later. The bees will just keep working whatever you give them.

I’m sorry we can’t give you an exact shipping date.
Please have a look at my explanation here - Not getting my orders

The expected shipping dates were explained in the email we sent out - which you should have received. If you didn’t receive it please let me know and I will send you a copy.

I’m a bit unsure about the wording (We sold out of of our June, September, November, December and now February estimated shipping dates, the next expected shipping date is March 2016.) Is this for new orders or does this mean my estimated December delivery is now March?

New orders . Please be patient, bare in mind it is Christmas and some deliveries are beyond the Flow team remit.

People need to understand the Flow team are new at this and trying the best for their customers.

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Santa IS coming, but will be a little late.

Just got an email saying my flow hives are being shipped!.
Oooh Wee!.

Am hoping to see them in a couple of weeks.
I ordered mine March 6th.


Can someone explain how someone that ordered in March is getting there hives? I ordered on the 25 of Feb. and still am in line. Seems a little off to me. I am queued but not exactly sure what that entails.

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72Gallon, I am as confused as you are. My order was placed on March 11th I received an email at 8:23 pm on 12/19 stating that my order was labeled and ready to ship with the following (could take up to 72 hrs). My order information online still shows up as “queued”. The email also states that the product will arrive in two separate shipments, which I expected but does not state wether one or both are ready for shipment. So I guess this is just a case of wait and see what happens. I think that the only source of frustration for me is it seems the information that is relayed by email, online chat, and this forum is all over the place and at times contradictory. I guess this is probably just a sign of growing pains and the overwhelming size of this products success. I figure given enough time they will get it ironed out.

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Orders are going out sequentially.

The Flow Frames and Hives are being delivered separately.

If you have a DHL tracking number it should say if it is coming from USA (Oregon) or Australia (Brisbane).

Sometimes the Flow delivery status doesn’t change status until after delivery, or if you have had a partial delivery.

Sorry if it is confusing - it is because they are in 2 different countries.

They do Arrive I promise you I - I’ve had Hives, Frames and Bee suit all arrive

Valli, I don’t mean any disrespect but yes I do know that the orders are coming from Brisbane and Oregon. And no I was not given any tracking information whatsoever. My post is only to illustrate the level of confusion that is being introduced into this process by the folks involved in processing and relaying these orders. I don’t know what the answer is to resolve this but I am sure they will figure it out. For now I am just going to wait and see.

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Yes I understand that - just trying to clarify for those that read and may not have understood - some peeps read but don’t post and it helps to spell it out

Maybe I’m too optimistic then?
I received an email stating the flow hives were getting ready to be packed and I should receive them shortly.
My account still states that they haven’t been shipped.

Regardless, its a huge undertaking and I wouldn’t want the stress
We’ll see.

I received the Flow boxes but still waiting on the frames, I know the frames will come in a separate shipment


Santa never came.
I was a bit optimistic when the email stead they were being delivered even though y account said waiting.
Last week the account changed to queued so guess I too will have to wait for a real delivery.

I would’ve rather had no email as opposed to get my (and my bees) hopes up .

Mine has never changed from queued even though I received the hive itself before Christmas. Never did get any email regarding the flow frames or it being a partial delivery or anything regarding machinery issues. I know they will probably just show up. I am just chalking this up to growing pains and the overwhelming success of the crowd funding process. I do still feel they need to at some point get a handle on their communication of status of orders.

Santa came bit late but all good

I’m sorry if you didn’t receive the email about December shipping. We did try and email all our December deliveries, as well as our February deliveries.
2 potential reasons for not receiving the emails are - emails from @honeyflow.com are going into your spam box - pleas check your spam box, and please add @honeyflow.com to your address book

  • or your email address was spelt incorrectly when you first purchased your Flow Hive (you would need to send us an email with your email address to make sure it is right in our system -http://www.honeyflow.com/contact/p/3

The system in place was meant to work efficiently - we mark the order as queued so that is gets processed and shipped in our factory.
Once it is placed in delivery truck with courier - you are assigned a correct, active tracking number - and we also get given this tracking number to update our system - for both us and our customers to know the accurate status.
This apparently did not work as in all cases.
So apologies again, we are trying to learn from this and improve our communication and also our shipping logisitics.

Thanks for you patience.

Faroe I have done both, I always check my spam folder. I have sent emails from your contact page twice and received no response either time. Like I said I know it will show up eventually so I am not overly concerned. I just feel that you need to get get a handle on your inconsistent communication issues or you are going to continue to have frustrated customers down the road. I know this is a huge undertaking and it takes time to work out all of the issues.

I’m sorry you have trouble contacting us through our contact page. I will pass this onto out IT team.

I have however seen some messages from you, where you have contacted us through our live chat and also through Indiegogo, and have received responses.

I have just sent you an email, so if you ever need to email us you can just respond to that email.