Bee keepers in Brisbane QLD area to teach us how to bee keep


We are interested in starting our very own flow hive, however we have never done bee keeping before.
Would there be anyone in the Brisbane area who would come out and help us get started and teach us everything we need to know about bee keeping?

That’s the right idea. Is there a beekeeping club near you? I spotted a few on google.
I’m sure somebody would mentor you if you joined. Good luck :slight_smile:

I’m in the same boat beegirl! it would be great if there was a one-day practical bee workshop in brisbane. let me know if you come across somebody!

There are a few clubs in the Brisbane area, will take more than one day to get a grasp of beekeeping


Yes. I still haven’t got it after nearly ten years.

Thanks Rodderick! Of course it will take a lot of time and attention. I’m just hoping to build up my confidence a little before I jump in with my own hive. :slight_smile:

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