These are from a great website things to do with honey
I love the wasp helmet!!!
And the shield too - I kept looking at his other hand for a sword!
That is just wild. Thanks for the pictures.
It got up to 91 degrees F / 33 degrees C today. The nuc box bees were still bearding quite a bit at 8PM!
Same weather for us in PA/philly area. No rain for weeks - have had to refill bee watering hole daily!
Nice I noticed mine like the wet dirt in my plants more than the little plate I set out under a plant.
Yes - I call it their strawberry swamp!
I have an orchid swamp
These photos were taken back in April 2016 with my Sony phone. I've got an Australian native garden (mainly, except for a few fruiting vines and trees - passionfruit vine in the images) and have seen not only my own bees but also a couple of different native bees claiming residence. I'm looking forward to warmer, more active, weather...and the photos I might get!
Went out for some early morning inspections and found this lovely creature (Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis)) hanging out with the bees.
and here’s my own stupid bees swarming and running away from home…
I caught them down the track a bit and put them into a new box…
One of six swarms collected today
Also a short video of a feral hive in a gum tree that generated two swarms today:
Whoopee, no need to spend money making up winter syrup for them!!!
By the way, how the heck does she know that they are your bees??? That is standard California legal defense for bee sting litigation - prove it was one of my bees!
Well, I recognized them right away Dawn! Bobbees of Ball Ground GA are famous
Oh, they’re mine.
That’s Beatrice, Beulah, Bonnie, Babbette, Bethsheba, Bidelia, and Joan.
Lovely pictures
Lovely pictures