Beekeeping Apps

Even as a backyard beekeeper, as your apiary grows it can become tricky trying to keep up with the management of each hive. With the rise in beekeeping combined with today’s tech world, it’s natural that beekeeping apps have become so popular, but are any of them actually worth the fuss, and in some cases, money?

What I personally look for in a beekeeping app includes:

  • the ability to log photos over different dates so I can keep my eye on suspicious things
  • I can set myself reminders for important follow-ups and routine inspections etc.
  • it’s smooth and intuitive, and I don’t get confused or frustrated (although it doesn’t take me much to give up on an app)
  • it can accommodate the confusing element of hive ID as they are constantly changing locations, duplicating, and new locations are added over multiple apiaries (I imagine this would be tricky to solve)

Is there an app that covers all of these bases? Plus more?

What do you look for in an app? Or do you use one and would you recommend it?


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I’ve been trying Apiarist which seems to cover most of your wants.


I’ve been using BeePlus Beekeeping Manager. It’s modular in design, allowing bare bones use all the way to a business tool tracking equipment costs, honey sales etc. It generates a QR code to label the hives. Scan the hive and the right record opens. It took a bit to get used to, but after trying several other apps, this one works for me.


@chau06 Thanks Alok, is there an android version for the Apiarist app, this appears to be a Mac version? Thanks Karen

I am not sure - you might be able to find the developer’s webpage and get a link to the android app store from there.