There are going to be a lot of new beekeepers out there soon or people with new hives looking to grow their apiaries. Hopefully that means the world population of bees will grow!
Between all the clubs, associations and businesses we all need to help these newbees to establish their new beehives. Anyone who is in the business of selling bees or has bees to pass on, we welcome you to post your details in this section of the forum.
Deposit Payment is due by 11th September with delivery expected 24th October
Sign up now - as numbers are limited
We’re working hard to make the best bees possible, and have teamed up with the guys from Bee Scientifics and Warral Apiaries Pty Ltd an accredited BQual queen bee producer to bring you the best
Nucs in town.
Place your order now for top quality spring colonies.
Each new colony will come in an 8 frame box and have:
• A young well mated queen from hygienic stock
• Minimum five frames of fat healthy bees
• Minimum three frames with healthy brood in all stages
• Been made into freshly irradiated equipment
• Been made from antibiotic free, disease free bees
• A vendor declaration to be free of bee disease at the time of transfer
Nucs are available for pick up only. At the pickup day in October we’ll be there to discuss management and answer any questions you may have.
Equipment: Our nucs are made into irradiated, disposable, equipment. So the bees can be transferred into new material at your future convenience. We’ll show you how to transition your colonies over to new equipment at our pick up day.
Price is $240 per colony
A non refundable 10% deposit reserves your spring colony. For questions or to place an order you can sign up to our waiting list via the website
I sell bee colonies with young queens here on the Sunshine Coast on a byo box & frames basis for $88. Leave your box & frames with me & I’ll let you know when you can pick them up. I make sure your new queen is laying fertile eggs first. p.m. me for my phone #