Golden State Flow keepers home. A place to discuss ideas. problems and successes.


Hello everyone,
I am a new beekeeper and live in Ventura County, California.
I recently joined the Los Angeles County Beekeepers and started a training class in beekeeping. I bought a Full Flow Hive and would be happy to network with others on my experiences in beekeeping. As with most of the Flow Hive community I won’t be able to start using the hive until next spring.


Hey…I’m in Marin County. We’re new to this whole endeavor and excited to get started. My wife and I Have wanted bees for years and we just moved to a new place this Winter and it coincided perfectly with the launch of Flow. We bought the full frame and hope to get started next year with it. Need to do a lot more research before then!

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Hello from San Diego…

I bought a full Flow hive and hope to be ready for my nuc next spring. I’m currently doing my research as well.

I joined the San Diego Beekeeping Society, and they HIGHLY recommended this book: Beekeeping in Coastal California

I haven’t bought it yet, but I plan to. I’ve been told it’s a treasure trove of info for Ca. Coastal beekeepers. Just FYI. Looking forward to this forum!!

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Brand new to bee keeping. Located in the Central Valley. We are moving to a family owned almond orchard this year and after the blossoms this year we decided to take the dive into beekeeping thanks to the flow hive video :smile: Looking forward to learning and sharing our trials and tribulations here

Hello, there! I am in Yorba Linda, Orange County. This is my second year of keeping bees, but neither of my hives did well last year, all the bees absconded. The drought hurt us terrible here last year. I just picked up my packages of bees this morning, so hoping to do better this year. I belong to the Orange County Beekeepers Association, and have learned quite a bit from their meetings, as well as taking an online class and reading stacks fo books. I am looking forward to learning more from this forum, and possibly meeting some nearby beekeepers.


Howdy! From the small town of Lemon Cove in the Central Valley. New to beekeeping. If anyone knows of any local clubs around Tulare county please let me know!

Hi, I’m in Berkeley. Looking to anything to be engaged.


Hello there! We are from LA, planning to join the Los Angeles County Beekeepers and take classes as well. Right now we are building the hive, waiting for our flow system in a month. We also removed 5000 sqft of lawn and are growing many drought tolerant and bee friendly flowers and shrubs. Then we are hoping to get a local swarm and capture it… Yeah that’s the plan at least!


Hello, George_I and everyone else,
I live in Thousand Oaks, California and am new to beekeeping. I live on a half acre lot that backs up to an open area. I have one neighbor on each side of me. I want to be a good neighbor and citizen so, first I plan on taking a beekeeping class and then getting educated about Ventura County beekeeping regulations. Then I will speak to my neighbors to make sure they are okay with the whole plan. I am planning on signing up for a “Beginning Backyard Beekeeping” certificaiton class put on by the Santa Barbara Beekeepers Association. It’s $100 and you attend 2.5 hour classes once a week for four weeks. I am very excited about this adventure and thank Flow Hive (Stuart and Cedar) for inspiring me!
Cheers! Corrin

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Just to let you know that the Los Angeles County Beekeepers
is actually closer and cost $10 to join and the classes are free to
members. Look them up and also if your on Facebook then friend me so we
can help each other.
George Iafrate

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Hi I’m in Riverside and have had my bees for three years now :slight_smile: nice to meet you all!

I have 2 horizontal hives, one langstroth, and 2 nuc’s with colonies and am interested to trying out the flow hive. I am in Monterey, California and would like to hear from others in the area.
We have a local Bee Club (ABC) which meets monthly.

Hi All!
Im up in the Sierra foothills and my wife and I are really looking forward to our Flow Hive. We have roughly 1 1/2 acres of perennials, roughly 75 lavender, a variety of trees and a large vegetable garden We hope that the variety will help the bees create amazing honey.

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Hello Thomas, Corrin, and George (and all),

We are in Granada Hills and looking forward to keeping bees again. We had several hives until about 10 years ago when our neighbors complained and we gave the bees to a commercial beekeeper. The cranky neighbor has moved and restrictions on urban beekeeping have been loosened! We are looking forward to being able to harvest our local honey again :slight_smile: I’m definitely looking forward to trying the Flow Hive! We bought the full kit on the first day, but still have been unable to determine when we’ll receive it…guess it will be a surprise!

Cheers, Melissa


I am in my 3rd year of beekeeping in Lompoc, CA (central coast). I bought 3 flow frames and hope to integrate them into my second backyard hive. I am a member of the Lompoc Valley Beekeepers Association (LVBA) and they are very interested in how these frames will work…me too! I took the plunge within the first 30 min of the campaign and expect delivery in June. So, we shall see!!

Hello from San Jose, California. We’re very new beekeepers, our hive is just over 1 month old and doing well. So much to learn, but so much fun! Looking forward to setting up the Flow Hive as our second hive next year.


I live in San Mateo, 18 miles south of San Francisco and have been a beekeeper for about six years. I am a member of the very active San Mateo Beeguild which has grown from about 65 member to about 350 members during that time. The vast majority of the experienced beekeepers are very leery of the Flowhive and looking forward to my report back. I am aware of two others that bought it.

There are leery old time beekeepers all around the world. I am in NC and thought it was just my region with issues. As one of the moderators I visit all the topics I can and you would be surprised that this is a world wide concern. Anyway, I was suprised. Good luck to you!

Hello everyone from Albion, California. I’m on the coast in Mendocino county, and happy to find a beekeeping club nearby. I am new to beekeeping but suspect there are different challenges on the coast than inland. For one, it is foggy and cool here all summer!

I’m putting in flowering plants and learning all I can about beekeeping as I wait for my Flow hive to arrive :smile:
