Hi all have recently got my first hive…complete novice but so excited to learn. Thoughts and things to consider moving forward?
Live in Hobart Tasmania
I got my flow hive last October. First thing I did was register my hive with the Department of Primary Industry and get a hive number.
Then I bought a manual.
Contact your local Apiarist Society and see if they have a “bee buddy” group. That’s where you’ll get all the local knowledge.
My bee buddy doesn’t have a flow hive but the mechanics of bee keeping are the same.
The only thing different is the harvesting.
Did you get a nucleus hive?
Welcome Shannan! So excited for you
Congratulations and welcome, Shannan.
I highly recommend thebeekeeper.org, and we also have a great Flow Ambassador in Tasmania that offers local and experienced beekeeping support and mentoring. His name is Bert Wildeboer and please PM for his email address.
Agre with all of that. Local knowledge and the reassuance of a nearby helping hand is essential. Join lots of your local beekeeping groups if you’re on FB too. And then there’s Youtube - the bee watching, time-munching pit of doom