First Flow hive

Hi all have recently got my first hive…complete novice but so excited to learn. Thoughts and things to consider moving forward?
Live in Hobart Tasmania

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I got my flow hive last October. First thing I did was register my hive with the Department of Primary Industry and get a hive number.
Then I bought a manual.
Contact your local Apiarist Society and see if they have a “bee buddy” group. That’s where you’ll get all the local knowledge.
My bee buddy doesn’t have a flow hive but the mechanics of bee keeping are the same.
The only thing different is the harvesting.
Did you get a nucleus hive?


Welcome Shannan! So excited for you :star_struck:

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Congratulations and welcome, Shannan.

I highly recommend, and we also have a great Flow Ambassador in Tasmania that offers local and experienced beekeeping support and mentoring. His name is Bert Wildeboer and please PM for his email address.

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Agre with all of that. Local knowledge and the reassuance of a nearby helping hand is essential. Join lots of your local beekeeping groups if you’re on FB too. And then there’s Youtube - the bee watching, time-munching pit of doom :slight_smile: