Hey people! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGmyMm-58Z2Rz1OSa7Eo7xw This is a channel for those who are enthusiastic, inspired and excited about honeybees. At the moment it just highlights some of the best bee videos on youtube, but later on when I get my Flow Hive, I’m hoping to start a vlog about my newbee experience as a beekeeper
Nice… take a look at the Strathcona Beekeepers site, they have tons of video links relating to bees and beekeeping.
That’s fantastic! So much stuff I haven’t seen!
Hope you don’t mind, but I’ve added a link to the website from my channel, more people need to know about it!
I love that talk Marla Spivak gives.
Where are you in Sydney @Chaiteabooks? We have a local based Facebook Group for sydney beekeepers and fellow aussies… ozurbanbeebuffs
I live in The Hills and I’ve just started going to the Amateur Beekeeping Association local club that meets at James Ruse. Once the family move to an acreage (with the railway coming to the Hills, there is a tonne of development happening and the population is expected to increase a LOT!) then I’ll be setting up my bee hives. Until then, I enthusiastically dream of honeybees ozurbanbeebuffs sounds like my cuppa tea
unfortunately, I quit facebook a few years ago, but if I rejoin, you’re the first group I’ll be joining.
Well, you don’t need much space for beehive, 3 square metres will do it. The ABA are nice people so you can’t go wrong there.
Sorry folks, channel no longer available.
What happened to the channel?
The video cam I was going to use broke. Plus there wasn’t a lot of interest in the channel in the end.