Full Flow Hive Arrival

Yes it looks like UK supporters are receiving flow hives in time for spring.

I was also supprised to arrive home to a quality delivery.

And the best surprise was not having to pay VAT. I guess it was a gift to myself he he…

Looking forward to putting things together ready for Spring time…

Thanks Flow Team great service and it looks to me like a quality product.


Yes,mine has arrived too-and also no VAT-Now I need to do a bee keeping course-I will be going to Buckfast Abbey,S.Devon,UK,where the famous bee keeper,Brother Adam started their unique bee strain,if that is how one puts it-and yes was glad to get it before the Spring-a bit disappoionted that the metal flow key does not have an actual handle to grip,as shown in the pictures-looks like yours doesn’t either-will be a bit awkward for me as my thumbs do not work very well!

Interesting, in the last 8 months, I don’t recall seeing a picture of a “handle” - all of the keys I have seen were L-shaped, like the one in Smoser’s photo. If you have a picture of what you mean, I would be curious. I am sure that some (aftermarket maybe) mods will come out over time, but for now, I have no image of what you were expecting.


I made a couple of embarrassing mistakes… :unamused:

but I was able to get myself out of it because I’m pretty handy building stuff like that and doing things for myself… :slightly_smiling:

If you want to put a handle on it buy a piece of shrink wrap and put it on. If you aren’t sure what that it is, a good hardware supply shop should have it. It is a thin piece of rubber that when heated with a match or better small bunsen burner it will srhink onto the handle and will virtually last a life time. Best supply places would be electrical supply.