Gerald here, just saying hi :)

Hi Everyone,

Today I must be living right. After at least 2 months I’m back. The Forum finally took my old password via FB !

Really missed everyone a lot… wow … it’s autumn n golden leaves are everywhere or on the ground already.


I’ve been checking for mites, treating n winterizing as i get time. With our long hot dry summer (a Dreath) my bees survived but only harvested 1 1/2 gallons this season.

Only two more of my five colonies to finish winterizing … just be glad when the Yellow Jacks stop visiting in an army. So far they only killed out n robbed my Cedar Hive. Just hoping I can save my one 5frame Nuc. The other four are much stronger n more guards at the entrances n I have reduced the openings to help as well.


That’s about it. Guess I need to try n read posts n try to catch up.

Cheers everyone,

Gerald is back.


Hi there Gerald! Your lovely post somehow only came to me as a private message :open_mouth: Maybe you hit reply & it was still in the same message spot instead of the main group. Just a heads up so you can repost because I know everyone will be happy to hear from you! :jack_o_lantern::honeybee::lollipop:

Good to see you back :slight_smile: I’m not sure what you mean about the forum taking your passwords from FB?
Next time you have any problems, just PM or email so that we can help you :slight_smile:

Great to have you back Gerald, we have missed your informative posts. I just enjoy seeing what you are up to on the other side of the globe.


Yes, good to have you back. While you are preparing for Winter, downunder, we are gearing up for Summer and that elusive jackpot honey flow. Well me, I’m just happy with 25Kg or so per year keeps us going with a bit for friends and rellies.

Cheers and beers


Hey… welcome back.
I missed those selfies


Welcome back Gerald (@Gerald_Nickel) ! It has been a while between postings. Good to see you and your pics :slight_smile:

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I was wondering where you were. Missed your picrures and insight. The hornets did a number on my hives last year.
Shortly after visiting you at the Bee in the Berbs class up in North Bend we made a bold decision and decided to sell our long time home in Seattle and moved to the country down in Kelso. It’s much like Issaquah was in the good old days. I’ll be setting up shop again next spring once we get things situated. Looks like the hornets will be bad here too. I’ve already squashed a few looking to settle into the wood pile for the winter.
Glad to see your back😊

Yoooo 26,

Wow ! You did drift a little ways from Seattle area. It would be nice to live in slower life.

With Vera’s health we are pretty grounded up here n so far bees are doing okay just not great. As you know it was a crappy long dry dreath summer up here. Only scored 1 1/2 gallon this season out of six hives.

Lost one week hive to the robbing yellow jackets. I was trying … even had a “Rob Preventer” on it. Maybe I waited to later I didn’t even get a kick out of Cedar Hive. I’ve got three new Nucs ordered for Spring 2018. I’ll try again. Four of my hives are doing okay. Just did my late season mite treatment. I’ll keep watching the SBB board sliders for hints if trouble this month (November). By the end they should be okay n clustered up for the long winter.

Thankz for the note. Wishing you a great new venture down there n enjoy …


Good day Gerald.
Bummer with your hornets and wasps. Guess we have them too, I see them, just not in the hives. We have tame butcher birds though who come to snack on the bees, developing quite a taste for them and inviting their mob. Not sure what to do about them.
We admire your resilience in bee keeping, seeing how many colonies get lost due to varroa or treatments or else. Well, we admire any beekeeper who manages to manage varroa and keep going.
You are an inspiration to our family Sir.
Funny thing is, the less honey you harvest, the more precious it is.