Hive Cam - New York

I am putting online a Hive Cam on my Flow Hive. Not quite 24 x 7 … but soon.

User Name: BeeCam
Password: BeeCam1

Not sure how the bandwidth will survive many viewers. We’ll see.



I’ve wanted to set up one of these, but haven’t a clue how to make it work…

Hi @lipinsky, no luck logging in, but I’m guessing that might be due to the time.

What camera are you using?

It works. Very cool.

Right now I have a (VERY) long extension cord to power the camera. Wanted to see if the camera portion worked.

Next steps is a solar power unit … that all fits into a Nuc so it looks like it fits in the surroundings. Except of course for the large solar panel sitting on top of it. I suspect that the extra power could be used for an electric fence to keep critters away from the bees.

Unfortunately the camera software is a bit finicky. Try a different browser and make sure you are installing the plugins (link just above the login window).

If you are using a mobile device install one of these .

As for the camera, I am using a Foscam R2 under a glass dome, When the setup is completed I will share photos.

You need to check it out when the girls are working!


Now we are up and live 24 x 7.

User Name: BeeCam
Password: BeeCam1

I may have a WiFi bandwidth issue requiring a special antenna - but other than that, it all the bees; all the time.

100% sustainable. Powered by a 25 Watt solar panel (we will see if that’s enough) that we also hope will power a small fountain pump and maybe an electric fence around the hives.

Don’t think i can use the camera’s infrared lights as they cause glare on the glass dome that covers the camera.

It only gets better from here - I hope.

Still doesn’t like me…I keep getting sent back to the login screen. Main stream / sub stream…language…makes no difference. I’m trying on a mobile device though, so not sure if that makes a difference.

try downloading the FOSCAM app if you are using a mobile device.