I’ve looked at keeping bee’s a few times and each time came to the conclusion that I don’t have a suitable space, but given the number of backyard bee keepers around I must be able to make this work somehow so am after some suggestions.
Due to the layout of my property I can only use my front yard (backyard has a pool with limited space), however my front yard is large and very private with tall brick fences (1.9m) that people cant see into.
But my challenge is that on the other side of the brick fence is a public foot path and reasonably busy road. Which i’ve heard are both not ideal.
I’ve attached a photo of my front yard for context taken at approx 8am on a winters morning. Yard is north facing with winter sun from about 7:30am and located in the upper north shore of Sydney. The gravel on the left hand side leads to a garage so am avoiding that area given car and foot traffic.
I was thinking of locating the hive where the blue marking is in the second photo with the entrance facing north and would be interested in other people thoughts. I’m concerned about the road and footpath but was hoping that the fence would get the bees up and over that. Also the cubby house will be relocated.
Other option is moving it back closer to the house near the swing with the aim of giving the bees more opportunity to gain hight before the footpath and road. Swing can be relocated. But the morning sun arrives a lot later in this location, particularly in winter.
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Just try to keep it in the most sun you can this will help with hive Bettle and mites the bees will go for the most part is the direction you face it unless they find lots of food just build a hive stand and keep it off the ground and have so Bettle traps and you should be good in that spot
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The fence will set the flight path above everything on the other side. The bees don’t need much room to fly up and over. I’ve seen hives within 0.5m with no problem.
As Rubee2024 says, give them as much sun as possible. Though, I have thriving hives in a forest that only has direct sun for a few hours in summer and lucky to get minutes in winter.
I suggest you have two hives. It’s not much extra effort, but gives you resources if one hive isn’t going well. A frame of brood from the stronger hive can give the weaker one the boost it needs. If your one and only hive weakens for any reason, you may not notice or not have the means to strengthen it.
Join your local club. It’s a great resource from which to gain knowledge and confidence. Most of all, have fun.
Im having a similar issue although mine is one that id like to know if keeping a bee hive in my old dog kennel would be ok? Its not as bad as it sounds 
Its a 4m x 2m shed with a half height wall in the front half and full height at the back. A full cement floor and from about 11am it get sun through the windows. The windows at the front let all the sun in but have a gap of about 2cm all around the top to let the breeze in but not the rain.
All the walls are insulated as well.
The kennel or now bee house is surrounded by plants and trees that go crazy with flowers in spring.
Is this ok to keep my hive in?
Nick B
That’s similar to the way the Slovenian beekeepers have their hives, although the ǍZ hive design accesses the frames from the rear instead of the top. By keeping the bees inside your “Beehouse”, you’ll save them a lot of work regulating the hive air conditioning.
I’m working on producing ǍZ hives in Australia using Langstroth sized frames and compatibility with Flow frames. No more lifting heavy boxes. Very civilised.