Manuka honey help buying

Thanks David and all
:open_mouth: a lot of good info thanks so much for all that, I’m still learning all about honey, I only want I for eating a spoon or 2 a day for good helf, keeping my hart and stumock in good order, and any other good healing properties it Does inside me and from the inode out.
I’ve been told on the market the best one to go for goldenhills manuka?( not cheep) With its 20 UMF branded on the label, I usening at home now 2 jars of steens 20+ NPA??? I’m still unshor wear NPA differs from UMF, if you can help in laymen’s terms lol as I’m still learning about all this lol
Thanks again all

Ok, now I have a headache, too many strange, big words… But yes, interesting, thanks Faroe, I’m still on the fence though.
Also interesting Captain.

And Dee, Thanks. :wink:

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How about this little snippet.
Something we beekeepers in Wales always knew

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Nice, except I don’t like the end sentence where they talk about synthesising it… can’t they just leave nature be :frowning:
P.S. I like your christmas pic :slight_smile:

I am confused.
I am reading a “bee book” and the author mentions getting manuka honey from Malaleuca trees.
I’ve not heard of these so looked it up.
From Wiki
Melaleuca /ˌmɛləˈljuːkə/ is a genus of nearly 300 species of plants in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae, commonly known as paperbarks, honey-myrtles or tea-trees (although the last name is also applied to species of Leptospermum).

I always thought Leptospermums were Tea Tree and that’s where Manuka honey comes from.
Can anybody clear this up for me?

@Dee Dee I’ve bought a mixture of Leptospermum’s - all the tea trees, Jelly Bush, and “Manuka” are part of the Myrtus, with the common name myrtle, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Myrtaceae, described by Linnaeus in 1753.
Leptospermum /ˌlɛptɵˈspɜrməm/ is a genus of shrubs and small trees in the myrtle family Myrtaceae described as a genus in 1775. Most species are endemic to Australia, with the greatest diversity in the south of the continent; but one species extends to New Zealand, another well into Southeast Asia, and L. recurvum is found only in Malaysia and Indonesia.
Honey produced from Australian Leptospermum polygalifolium, also known as jelly bush or the lemon-scented tea tree, has been found to contain up to 1750 mg/kg of ‘methylglyoxal’ (MGO), an antibacterial compound. However, after neutralization of this compound, the “manuka” honey retains bactericidal activity. Methylglyoxal thus does not appear to be the main contributor to the antimicrobial and antibacterial activities.
Leptospermum scoparium, commonly called mānuka, manuka myrtle, New Zealand teatree, broom tea-tree, or just tea tree, is a species of flowering plant in the myrtle family Myrtaceae, native to southeast Australia and New Zealand.

I suppose we just call them tea tree as a common name but they are all Myrtle family differing varieties.

Some of the old folk when I was a kid called them Myrtles - I think is depends on what locals by you call them and what you get used to when growing up.

They make wonderful herbs from Lemon Myrtle and now market as an Aussie spice, Pepper Myrtle loads of different flavours

Manuka honey is a monofloral honey, the predominant variety of the species Leptospermum, which produces Manuka, being Leptospermum scoparium.

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Manuka is best when it is harvested in a country, which has pristine conditions and an atmosphere that is free from pollutants. Few countries throughout the world are fortunate enough to have such conditions. People must ensure that they look at where the brand chosen by them is manufactured failing which they would have purchased an inferior product.

Interesting article from last couple of days. Cape Grim on Tasmania’s North West Coast has the world’s cleanest air. Dust from Australia is found on snow on mountain tops in New Zealand.

Thats what we have done :slight_smile:Kind regards
Mark Kate and kids

Are you saying this is Manuka honey you are harvesting from the Flow Hive?

Hi Faroe ,

No this isn’t Manuka honey ,even though it is darker than our first harvest a few weeks ago .

What i meant was we had also purchased some small Leptospermum scoparium plants and will add them to our garden and hopefully the bees will do the rest .

We are only 12 months into our bee adventure its very exciting and the kids just love it . This is our second harvest yeilding 20kg of raw honey will be interesting to see how quick they fill the flow this time :slight_smile:
kind regards and thank you

Mark Kate and kids
Melbourne Victoria Australia

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Okay, thanks confirming :slight_smile:

We haven’t had much feedback about Manuka honey and Flow Frames, so just wanted to check in case it was indeed Manuka honey coming out of the Flow Frames.

I found an article about the best UMF certified manuka honey
There’s a list of top brands with comparison of prices, maybe it’ll be useful for someone)

You can contact The Goldriver Company if they have supplies in the UK. They are one of the finest local honey suppliers in Australia. They provide other culinary items too at reasonable prices. You can also check out some of their offers and get some products free of cost.

I haven´t tried Manuka honey, but every body speak so well about it, that today I am going to buy manuka honey

You mean about how 25 years ago it was fed to horses because it tasted so bad? :joy:
For a great tasting honey with arguably better medicinal values try Jarrah honey. :wink:


I have tried Manuka Health, however have recently made the transition across to a new company called PURITI - The taste, texture and consistency of the Manuka honey is unlike anything I have tried in the past - It is on the high side with respect to price, but you know that you are buying the real thing! Their website is also very informative which is great.

I must add about New Zeland best new Honey Company who are in news for producing highest quality Manuka Honey NZ
And read about the premium manuka honey benefits -