Observation window air bubbles

Hi, I’ve had this flow hive since December last year, and just recently the observation panel has started bubbling on the inside, can anyone explain this?

There should have been some plastic covering the window to protect it in transit. It peels off. Did you happen to leave it on? We’ve had this happen to folks before!

that’s clearly what’s happened. the acrylic itself would never bubble like that.

Well at least the inside of the pane should be clean n clear ! :+1:. Gerald

Thanks guys! Definitely a possibility, I thought I had peeled it off but next inspection I’ll have to do another check. Appreciate the rapid response! :smiley:

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Yeah it looks like you’ve left on the protective film on the window.
Let us know how you go after your inspection :slight_smile:

The plastic protection film was on both sides of the acrylic.

Sorry for the late reply! You were right, felt like a right doofus hehe.
Thank you!

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No worries :wink: :honeybee: :beers: