Perth, Western Australia

Are there no clubs in Western Australia that are posting here in the Flow Forum?
Specifically club news and what is happening locally?

Hi DebiRose, no specific clubs however there are club members on the forum.
Thereā€™s also this thread which you may find helpful.


@DebiRose the Western Australian Apiarist Society is the club you are referring to. It has a FB presence and also

They also have a monthly meeting in South Perth, which will be live streamed. There are also bee buddy groups, regional groups and they have a e-newsletter and provide training. They have flow hives in the four apiary sites they operate, have content in their newsletter and are accepting of flow hives.

Skeggly is right that they do not monitor the forum but members are here.


@skeggley - Thatā€™s brilliant. Will follow the thread and thank you for providing it.

@AdamMaskew - I will check it out on FB then. Being in Toodyay and having a real reluctance to head ā€˜down the hillā€™ as it were, a club having an online presence is essential for me.
Thank you so much!

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There may be a bee buddy group around you. Iā€™ll ask and see what I can find out.


The closest WAAS Bee Buddy group to you will be the Hills group. They look like they get together on the second Tuesday of the month in Mundaring. Their next meeting is 8 September. Iā€™m sure WAAS would look at a group near you if there was someone willing to facilitate.


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Finallyā£ļø My brood box is now in place and the ā€˜vacantā€™ accommodation sign is out.
All I need are the :honeybee::honeybee::honeybee: and Iā€™m going to be a happy beek. Lol.