Product and Honey Labels

@Andrew I did a degree in Multimedia and Web design, Photo manipulation, Film, video and editing techniques, 3D Animation etc but I have not got the use of expensive software any more nor licences so have to use Open Source kit (which is strangely enough what my dissertation was about) - so don’t judge me too critically …
I follow the KISS method

My Honey Label

And my product Label:

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Queen Bees Choice…

wow… nice one

but I would say that she is bias :wink:

but hey… who could argue with a Queen!! :smile:

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Don’t mean to be critical, but my British Public School years traumatized my grammar sensitivity…

Queen Bee’s Choice would be correct if it was one Queen Bee.
Queen Bees’ Choice would be correct if it was more than one Queen Bee.
Queen Bees Choice is better than any British greengrocer could write!! :smile:

Love ya, Valli,


@Dawn_SD yes I have had that argument but I have gone with Artistic licence and also the apostrophe looks weird in that font

Actually I’m the “Queen Bee” - that is what my Client calls me and it sort of Stuck

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I think you should be Queen Vee! :smile:



So many people have commented on it I will go back and revisit but “Draw” the apostrophe as that font makes it look like and exclamation mark and it was all wrong - Just been fiddling with it and I can draw in a thing looks like apostrophe without mucking up the look

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@Valli Awww, I feel bad now! :cry:

I know what you mean about some fonts looking all wrong with certain characters - very annoying. I would love to see your amended label - promise not to copy it, I am just curious about artistic creativity.


A black label looks lovely on soft set honey if you ever do any

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This is my save the bees Label

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I can take on art work if you Guy’s want

Beautiful apostrophe. One of the nicest I have seen. Great job, Valli!


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valli, I’m just wondering about the C thing at the front of Queen Bee’s Choice?

as for your friends calling you Queen Bee - Maybe they meant Queen B … :stuck_out_tongue:

Copyright so nobody copies the label?
I have been inundated with Queen Bee mugs for Christmas and birthday…sigh!!!

Kind of a nit picky thing but I think I would prefer it with the Save the Bees bit first rather then the Save the World. They both kind of go hand in hand but as beekeepers we are focusing on the bees so I figure it should be top billing.

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Yes, it’s the bees that hold the world in their hands (feet)
If you save the bees you save the world.
Like Einstein didn’t say :slightly_smiling:

Project in the making


Lovely! Are those wax flakes under the bee, or just residual background? She is a very good-looking bee, though. Love the font too.


It’s a copy of a picture I spotted somewhere and took a snap on my phone.
A work in progress still
Font is Papyrus. I use it a lot on my labels.

Nice one Dee :slight_smile:

I like the bottom note