That’s what I love about the Top bar hives , the combs you get. I might have to think about making a space for one in my apiary & build one next winter. Look forward to some more photos when you get a chance
Not that it’s an issue, but that still looks like a very vertical edge for a top bar hive.
Looks like the bees don’t mind!
Looks slanted to me. Use the vertical end boards to contrast.
I’m not saying it’s vertical, it’s that it’s closer the vertical than I’ve seen elsewhere.
I think the photo makes it look that way. Here’s a different shot.
Here is my hive. On two poles with vaseline for ants.Room for another hive which is on order.
I really like your metal stand. Very nice set up the fact that it doesn’t get under your feet is very nice
Here’s our set up. On the right is the pot colony an the left side is the new home for the Bw nuc picked up last weekend.
We have a WSP box (190mm(7 1/2")) to put under the green hive to give them more room at next inspection if required.
I’m going to creep the stand to the left so it will get some shade from the tree in the heat of summer or build a shade cover.
In two minds as to whether to put the next hive in the middle or put in another area where there is more summer shade.
Looks like a good sturdy stand. Is it made specifically for beehives?
If you move it to the right the bees will have a better view over Perth
True enough however I don’t want to spoil them busso, they have work to do.
@Eva, no, it’s had a long and prosperous life that stand, starting in a hospital I believe, then to a florist and then to my hoarder heap where it used to prop up more rubbish, errr I mean useful stuff… All the chrome has perished but incredibly the wheels still spin.
We get meat ants here, I think next door is breeding them and it’s easy to smear grease around the legs to keep them down. Last summer there was a well worn trail from the hive up past the chook coop into next door. They like bees too…
Wheels! Spoiled already I’d say.
Meat ants…never heard of them but they sound gruesome
Fist flow harvest today! Sure is easier than the way I did it in the past. We got 2 gallons in about a hour and did not harvest 3 frames. We live on the North Shore of Maui, Hawaii so happy bee’s and no mites yet.
Trying to get some more!!
That’s what I like to see . Room for expansion.
Ants will not cross Comet
wow! that stands not going anywhere…love the pallets what are they from?
I’m a big fan of RE-purposing, were once packing for when setting up the legs on a crane on soft ground .
Just built a bench so I could enjoy the girls more. this photo was to big to upload here so here is a link
also starting some winter feeding