This is an an amazing trailer- your father clearly had good ideas. I have been thinking along the same lines for migratory beekeeping and pollination services: Crossing a Slovenian bee house with Flow Hives. Seems like more fun than dropping off hives onto pallets… Just drive up- unload the trailer and drive away! There are plenty of Almond growers who would pay a pretty penny to have this trailer parked at their orchards in a month or so from now in South Australia. And in Western Australia you could collect a pretty mighty Karri tree flow… I’d buy it too if i had the money. Good luck with the sale.
Sorry to hear of your loss. Good luck with the sale. Just for clarity sake this already set up with working hives and bee products wouldn’t be allowed into WA due to biosecurity issues.
Hi Semaphore,
It is a great little set up especially if you have thieves about. Unfortunately my Dad didn’t get to experience a full season with it due to his cancer, unfortunately we didn’t take on his skills or listen being a family of three girls it’s a pity flow hive wasn’t invented years before else I may have listen and been keen to take this on lol.