UK Flow keepers

Today I checked on the hives to reverse the brood box setting from top to bottom. Both hive were packed with bees.

Snow White colony had too much stores so moved the stores in the bottom and placed an empty brood box above that and the bottom brood box on top. Was amazing to see the amount off bees that where there.

On Fire Opal colony this colony had almost each and every frames packed with bees. Placed the top brood box in the bottom an empty brood box on top and then bottom brood box on the top.

On 14th April I shall do a through check the empty brood box and check if there any signs of swarming. I plan on replacing any excess stores with foundation and place the FlowSuper as the bees will be ready for April harvest.

I have a feeling I might end up with four strong colonies this year.

Wintering with double brood work out really good and would certainly keep with that.