Web site payment facility

Hi , New guy here just heard about the flow system and tried to buy a couple of hives but the site seems to dislike my cards, or is there a problem?

Thanks for the info. I hope you refer to the new batch not the new year! These seem ideal and will sell like hot cakes.

What has been communicated to us is that crowdfunding fulfillment will go on until Feb 2016. Not sure when they will open up orders prior to that but I’d look towards sometime after Feb 2016 to take delivery for retail orders.

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Hi Brian,
The HoneyFlow shop is open for business, You should be able to order and pay via credit card (mastercard, visa, maestro & Amex) or Paypal. Delivery is next year of course but new orders are being taken and available from the following FlowHive Shop link.

Yes that is right we are open for business as @Rodderick says, we still have some catching up to do so shipping wont be until early next year. If you are having troubles with making payments please contact us via our websites contact form http://www.honeyflow.com/contact/p/3 As it is a new shop we may have a few little bugs to iron out, and your feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for your support.

We have found an issue with some USA customers not being able to pay due to the payment going outside the USA. We are working on this and will have it resolved as soon as we can. In the mean time you should be able to use paypal.