Where is a good place to put your hive

Yes you can, make sure you put the inner cover on top of the brood box first though.

You don’t have to treat western red cedar with anything at all. A lot of hives in the UK are made from it, and it weathers naturally to a nice silver gray colour. It will not rot, and most insects will not eat it. If you do treat it, only treat the outside of the hive - the bees will treat the inside themselves. Also, if you seal it, make sure you use something non-toxic or food safe - the sealant may come into contact with food (honey).

The location looks wonderful. Nice hive stand! I don’t think it is too close to the fence from the bees’ perspective - not sure about what the cows think, though! :smile:


Thanks a lot for your info! The hive stand was actually a small chest / cabinet thing. I just took the top off and finished was the hive stand! :slight_smile: behind the fence are just sheep but i don’t think they will mind! :smile:

Thanks again and I will keep you postet on the progress!

Happy Easter




Just wanted to show you how it looks like now! It really turned out to be a great spot for the hive! :bee::sunflower::sunny::bee:


Really beautiful, thank you for sharing! :blush: