World bee day 20/5/22

World bee day, so I am told. I thought I would go to the hive here in Sintra and saw, on the way, several other kinds of bees. These are just one of them - 1cm long and hovering over the surface with lots of pollen in tow


Happy world bee day everyone. :honeybee:

When people think of bees, they naturally think of honeybees. However a honeybee, according to some academics from a university are not typical bees, because typical bees don’t live in communities like honeybees & a few species of native bee.

I think most of us would agree that it should be “World Pollinator Day”, unless there already is a special day set aside for pollinators.

Edit: In Australia, we have a National Pollinator Week in a month’s time, starting on the 20th of June.

Double edit: It’s amazing what you find with a google search. As it turns out, World Bee Day falls on the birthday of the father of beekeeping. This man:


Apparently they don’t know his birthday. The 20th of May was the day he was baptized. Interestingly he was born in Carniola.

Heads up.
World Bee Day is nearly upon us again.:honeybee: