Where are the flow hives?

It is great to see more supporters getting their frames. I know everyone is anxious, but please note Cedar and Stu have actually committed a significant amount of time, energy, efforts, and massive extra costs towards expediting everyone’s order as fast as possible. The clear direction is for us to do our absolute best for everyone to have frames as close to this Northern Hemisphere spring honey flow as possible. It would blow your mind to see what is going on behind the scenes. Lots of sleepless nights, (I know this first hand) and significant extra costs all focused on doing our best to get everyone ready for the honey flow as quick as possible.

A sizeable amount of shipments are going out to Euro customers today!

In the next few days or so Canada customers will start seeing a large batch of tracking numbers.

Shortly thereafter a large batch of Frames will be dispatching out to USA and Australian customers. With a large focus on North American customers.

Lots of Frame shipments going out over the next few weeks, so you can rest assured that the wheels are in motion and tracking numbers will be coming as soon as the shipments are leaving the local shipping points. It is everyone’s absolute goal to get the backorders cleared and Flow hives and Frames in everyone’s hands as fast as possible.

We are anxious to start fulfilling new customer orders from our website as soon as possible with stocking quantities in each region!