Hiya all. At a beekeeping field day today one of the speakers mentioned the benefits of wormwood in apiaries. Among other things using it to repel pests both inside and outside the hive.
Has anyone had experience using this in and around apiaries?
Hmmm in the hive,Scares me a bit.
I can seek planting them but in the hive really?
wormwood s a plant
does anyone know how close is to close to plant wormwood to the hive, and I am not looking for the clearly obvious answer with this posting i.e. inside
Maybe it would keep the beekeeper malaria-free
In the US this is called sage. It’s not REALLY sage because that is salvia rather than artemesia, but all of the artemesia here we call sage anyway. In most of the West (US) you don’t need to plant it, you need to just stop mowing it…
Went to my garden store yesterday and bought 2. When I asked for Wormwood they looked at me oddly and then they said oh you mean Artemisia. So I got 2, since the comment above said It deters insects, and bees are somewhat of an insect is it going to make the bees agitated? If I planted to close. Right now I have one planted about 2 feet from the back of the hive and about 10 feet in front of the hive, just because it accents the side of the house well there. Wanting to know if this is a mistake?
Sure it may be humbug, probably is. But Darwins theory of evolution was laughed at too… By his peers.
The thing is, is that there may be something right under our noses that may be a tonic for bee pests however we will never find out if we don’t seek. If not artemisia maybe tansy or who knows what? There are plenty of plants that repel pests but attract bees.
Having a Masters in botany you of all people should see and understand the botanic potential in medicine. Having a closed mind and a negative attitude gains no rewards.
As a new beekeeper I appreciate your input and wealth of knowledge Jape and sometimes criticism and condemnation is a bitter pill to swallow sometimes I need a spoonful of honey to swallow it.
Your comments are really overall disrespectful this forum is supposed to be about open thinking can you be a little bit more polite please?