I am in Severnlea, Near Stanthorpe, QLD, and like many Flow’ers, we are going to need bees.
Can you please advertise yourself in this topic if you cover this area, as I for one would like to pre-order a set(?) of bees for my 1 Flow hive.
I am happy to pick up if a reasonable distance, but how do I go about that. Can they be posted, or is there anyone close to Stanthorpe that can deliver.
My Flow Hive is due December, so not sure best time to start the hive off?
Hope someone can help me and other Flow’ers in this area, as a bit concerned with supply, due to the success of Flow!
Some Apiarists will send bee packages through the post. Otherwise you may need to drive down to Brisbane, the Gold Coast or Lismore area to get your bees. Do you know if you have any beekeepers or beekeeping clubs in your area?
I have attached a couple of links and if I come across any more will pass them on.
OK, firstly can’t make the Ipswich session, as I have a broken capped tooth to deal with
Now been 2 weeks since I emailed several well advertised bee suppliers, only to get 1 read acknowledgement, but no responses. May be because I mentioned that word ‘Flow’.
I will try some local online community groups, have also put out some feelers, as I am thinking of getting a standard hive prior to the Flow and if that fails, I will try some more suppliers, but will NOT mention Flow.
I get the feeling they may think we just want to set the Flow up and just keep tapping the honey, without any other thought.
I want it for the bees/environment, the interest and to become part of the bee keeping community. I will be taking all the usual precautions regards disease and infections etc., just the same as conventional beekeepers!
I’m sure Graham Beech from NT Bees, based in Canungra, will be happy to sell you a nucleus hive. He also sells queens. His phone no. is 0437179261. He has a facebook page & probably a web page but I haven’t looked. I know he sometimes runs Saturday afternoon bee courses.
Happy to help you with purchasing the kit online and building it yourself, its not difficult. I help our local club run their shop so I have some knowledge on the equipment type and quality. Penders will sell you all the hive materials you need online and are reliable, they are based in NSW. I have also put some information sheets together for my local club as well in the Basic Beekeeping section of this site for building a hive from scratch.
Yes you can. Some Bee Supply shops sell them already made up. Another option is to go for plastic hives such as Nuplas, Aussie Hives or Parkers… no treatment needed and they are standard sizes so will take the flow hive woodenware when it arrives. Just need to check for 8 Frame vs 10 Frame.
Well, this topic hasn’t produced anything for us Nuc seekers has it?
The guy that promised me one, has his number discontinued and no one else has been able to contact him, so I am now stuck.
I have built a 2 box hive, made my frames, wired and mounted foundation, but as I feared… no bees! I also have 2 full Flow hives due in December
I have called as many people/places locally (Stanthorpe) and further afield, as I can find, but either their numbers are discontinued, have no Nucs, or have stopped bee keeping!
If I was in NSW, or near Melbourne, there seems to be lots of support, but here in QLD, it seems very hit and miss and I can’t understand why?
So, I put out my plea again, can anyone please supply me a Nuc. Happy to travel 3-4 hrs.
Perhaps as part of their Flow campaign, they could have got together some Beeks to make extra Nucs?
The NorthShore Beeks is my local club based in Sydney, probably a bit far to travel. I would start ringing the Queen breeders around Queensland. If you can’t get a Nuc then see if any are willing to post a package. Use this website: