Hi, Just joined the forum today, we bought our Flow hive late last year and and have been waiting patiently to"bee" (don’t excuse the pun) able to introduce bees to the hive. Tomorrow we are off to a beekeeper to learn all about the hive flow and he will help migrate a NUC colony (if that’s what you call it) into our hive.
We are very very excited. I learnt about beekeeping at high school (30+ years ago) and always wanted to keep bees.
I also brew beer from grain so keen to see how I might be able to use honey in some of my brews other than mead.
Just wondering if there are many other flow owners in Central Queensland.
Welcome to the Flow Forum, @bobbee. I look forward to seeing what you may create with your homemade honey.
I’m sure someone will eventually respond to your Yeppoon call out. I believe it’s a great place to keep bees up there with year-round blooms, or thereabouts.
Hi, I’m in Cairns QLD but I don’t yet have a flow hive. How is your hive doing in the weather? I want a flow but Im concerned about the tropical weather and how it will handle it - I’ve not heard good reports from local apiarists. I’m currently keeping 2 species of native bee though - T Hockingsi and T Carbonaria
Hi Emilea,
There are flow hive beekeepers in Hawaii who sometimes participate in this forum.
I wonder if that is comparative to your climate? Maybe @NeuManaHui can give you some insight?